In this part we are going to look at the L3VNI config to get the hosts in the two vlans talking to each other.

Lets remind ourselves of the topology:


All of the configuration below is for the Leaves in the topology.

Vlan Configuration

Firstly, we need to configure a L3VNI vlan for the routing, this configuration is for the leaves:

vlan 999
  vn-segment 100999

VRF Configuration

We also need a tenant VRF to be configured which will house the overlay routing:

vrf context OVERLAY-TENANT1
  vni 100999
  rd auto
  address-family ipv4 unicast
    route-target both auto
    route-target both auto evpn

This configuration also brings in the EVPN information too.

SVI and NVE Configuration

The vlan needs an SVI and also needs to be added into the NVE logical interface:

interface Vlan999
  no shutdown
  vrf member OVERLAY-TENANT1
  ip forward

interface nve1
  member vni 100999 associate-vrf

You also need to add the SVIs with the anycast gateways to the VRF too:

interface Vlan10
  vrf member OVERLAY-TENANT1
  ip address
  fabric forwarding mode anycast-gateway

interface Vlan20
  vrf member OVERLAY-TENANT1
  ip address
  fabric forwarding mode anycast-gateway

Making sure to add the Layer 3 information back to them after applying the VRF.

BGP Additional Configuration

We also need to add some additional BGP configuration to the leaves:

router bgp 64500
    address-family ipv4 unicast

Making sure that if you have more subnets to add them with the network command. You could also do some redistribution if you prefer, as long as the routes are advertised into BGP.


At this point, we should be able to verify the config is working:


As you can see from the above, the ping from a server in vlan 10 to a server in vlan 20 works! We lost the first ping to ARP, but after that, all is working.

Now we have internal communications within the fabric between VNIs. Next we will look at layering on another tenant vrf to show a multi tenant design.


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